Cardio To Lose Weight In 2 Weeks: The Best Way To Success (2020)

cardio to reduce belly fat

Looking for weight loss? Tried all different workouts even purchased expensive fitness equipment’s, but still got NO result! 

Don’t feel lost; there is a way, i.e., “Cardio workouts.”

You can say that it is a life-changing workout because these are straightforward workouts performed by people of all ages.  

Weight-loss seems very intimidating initially, but once you get on a roll, you can conquer it.

Cardio to lose weight in 2 weeks seems impossible, but here’s the catch, it is possible if you truly devote yourself to this 2-week program.

Before starting, you should know what you will get, i.e., what’s cardio, how effective it is for weight loss, different cardio exercises, and your 2-week program, etc.

So, are you excited! let’s dive in my friends…

What is Cardio

Cardio is a short form of cardiovascular exercise that is great for overall body muscles, increases breathing, heart rate improves, and strengthens the heart & lungs.

It is best for losing weight without going to the gym or buying any fancy fitness equipment.

An energetic cardio-vascular exercise means you are directing the maximum level of oxygen to your muscle cells.

Also See:


  • Burns more calories.
  • Sleeping patterns improve.
  • It helps to strengthen your muscles and heart.
  • Cardio reduces joint stiffness and arthritis pain.
  • Improves mood, as doing cardio releases endorphins a type of chemical in our brain.


  • Cardio doesn’t have a long-lasting effect on your metabolism as weight-training has.
  • Excess cardio causes injury to the heart, joints and also reduces the fat loss process.

What Is Cardiovascular Endurance

The level at which muscles, lungs, and heart are working together when performing this exercise for an extended period.

It shows the efficiency of the cardiovascular system, and how fit and healthy you are.

Cardiovascular endurance can be improved or increased by doing exercise regularly.

Increasing tolerance is good for health, and the heart and lungs can use more oxygen. 

How To Improve Cardiovascular Endurance

Cardiovascular Endurance

Building cardiovascular endurance is vital to maintain physical fitness.

It indicates a person’s physical fitness and aerobic health status, which is beneficial for everyone, not just professional athletes.

If you follow a dedicated 2-3 week cardio program, it will help build healthy muscle strength and body mass index.

Cardio workouts are quite comfortable to perform at home or outside without going to the gym. These are essential facts about how to improve cardiovascular endurance

Let’s see next how you can lose weight fast in 2 weeks.

Are you excited!

How To Lose Weight Fast In 2 Weeks

Weight loss usually is a tedious process for most people, but hey, it can be fun if you are doing it correctly and also enjoying the process.

Well, there is no substitute for hard work, but smart and focused work can give you results in a short period.

Cardio is best for weight loss, especially for people who can’t access the gym or don’t have time for exercising regularly. 

Losing weight fast can be achieved in 2 weeks through motivation, dedication, and passion.

healthy diet is also crucial for weight loss, both complement each other, therefore essential to focus on both of them.

So, here is your two weeks dedicated weight loss program-

2 Week Workout Plan To Lose Belly Fat

2-week weight loss cardio Workout Plan

You all have felt ashamed once or more because of your belly fat.

Unhealthy eating habits, less sleep, and changing lifestyles have affected our body and increased unwanted fat in our system.

The 2-week weight loss program we gave you is potent and efficient if you 100% devote yourself to it.

This 2-week workout plan to lose belly fat is possible only if you support your workout with a proper diet. Remove grease, oily, or sugar from your diet.

There are different types of core workouts in the program, which will give you result.

Let’s check how cardio changes our abdominal muscles.

Cardio Workouts To Lose Belly Fat

Losing belly fat is not a piece of cake for anyone to follow; the only thing you have to take care of is how you will be consistent?

Can you control yourself for these 2-weeks and devote truly to achieve that fantastic result? Well, you better be!

Because if you realize it, your life is going to change and you will become a better version of yourself.

Positivity will fill your mind, and your personality will reach a different height. 

Pros of cardio to reduce belly fat are amazing and will help you lose fat in a short period.

Let’s understand these amazing cardio workouts…


A perfect cardio exercise, which is excellent for the heart, lungs, and leg muscles. Walking also increases your breathing, and your heart pumps maximum oxygen to all parts of your body.

Walking is excellent for your overall fitness of the body, helps burn down calories that result in lean muscles, and helps in losing weight.

If you are suffering from obesity, then you are prone to type-2 diabetes disease, walking helps reduce that threat.

Jumping jack

A perfect cardiovascular exercise that uses your body weight increases your heart rate and strengthens your leg, quad, hamstring muscles. 

Jumping jacks are elementary and fun exercises. It also improves your mood, tones, muscles, and helps to reduce stress levels. 


  1. First, stand upright with both legs together and keep your hands close to your thighs.
  2. Now jump in the air, keep legs apart at shoulder width, take your hands over your head, and touch both your hands or clap. And come back to the original position.
  3. Repeat the step depending on your physical fitness. 

Diamond Push-up

The diamond push-up is one of the types of push-up, in which we join our both hands to form a diamond shape or form a triangle.

And try to lift our body, in the same way as we do in a regular push-up, that’s also known as triangle push-up.

diamond push-up to lose weight

It’s a great cardio exercise that strengthens the upper chest, triceps, and shoulder muscles. One of the best workout for reducing belly fat.


  • The method is just like a regular push-up, but there is a slight change in arms position. 
  • Which we keep very close to each other and form a diamond shape or triangle. 
  • Then from that position, we perform regular push-ups.
  • While performing this push-up, your core will get involved, so you have to keep your back straight.


It merely is a strength training exercise where we take down hips from standing position and basically make 110 degrees with the ground and then return to the standing position. 

Squats are also a great cardio exercise that strengthens hamstrings, glutes, abdomen, and quad muscles. To reduce belly fat, it is a must exercise.


  1. Stand very straight and facing forward with chest up.
  2. Keep your feet at shoulder distance and lift your hands in front of your chest to balance your body.
  3. Then start going down while keeping your back straight and butt squeezed out. Just imagine your self sitting in a car while you go down.
  4. Go down as low as you can and then come back to the standing position again.


This exercise is also known as a squat thrust, strength training, and aerobic exercise in which we use all our body muscles during workout. 

Burpees strengthen overall body like chest, hamstring, abdominal, calves, and quads muscles.


  1. Stand with feet about shoulder-width apart and get in the position of the squat.
  2. Then squat down and touch the floor with your hands.
  3. And then step back into a plank, step the feet forward again into a squat position.
  4. Then stand back up to the starting position.
  5. And then repeat this process.

Jumping lunges

cardio exercise that improves the strength of muscles enhances overall fitness and athletic capabilities. 

Jumping lunges are great for back, hips and leg muscles, and also great for weight loss.

Great for improving balance, symmetry, alignment, and stability. It targets abdominal, glutes, quads, calves, and hamstring muscles.


  1. Stand straight with your feet at a shoulder-width apart.
  2. Lunge forward with your right leg and bend it to make 90 degrees with the floor.
  3. Keep your back and chest straight, jump straight up so that both your feet don’t touch the floor.
  4. Can swing your arms in front of your chest to keep the momentum going.
  5. Then, switch your position with your left leg and repeat it.

Mountain climber

It is a prevalent cardio exercise for shedding excess fat around the waist area, strengthening core, shoulders, and hips. 

Mountain climber target abs, hip-flexors, hamstring, quads, and back muscles.


  1. Start with a plank position and try to straighten your back, hips.
  2. Then try to squeeze pressure around your abs and maintain that position.
  3. After this, pull your left leg up to your chest while remaining in the plank position.
  4. Take your leg back to the starting position and pull the right leg up to your chest.
  5. And repeat steps alternatively.


It is a great abdominal exercise that targets your core and strengthens your abs. Crunch targets your oblique, pelvis, lower and hip muscles.

The best compound-muscle abdominal exercise that makes your abs visible also helps in reducing belly fat.


  1. Lie down on your back, keep your knees bent and feet hip-width apart.
  2. Place both hands behind your head, so all your fingers are behind the ears.
  3. Hold your elbows outward and pull your core muscles inward.
  4. Lift your head, neck, and shoulder blades off the floor.
  5. And try to push your to head wards your abdominal muscles and go back.
  6. Do 10-12 repetitions.


Also known as isometric core strength exercise, which is somewhat similar to a push-up, but here we try to hold the same for as long our set demands.

This exercise can be slightly tricky for beginners. It creates a tremendous amount of pressure on your core, which results in healthy and lean abdominal muscles. 

Plank gives strength to your rhomboids, spine, and trapezius, which results in a healthy posture.


  1. It’s similar to the regular push-up in which we lie down parallel to the floor, with our arms and feet touching the floor.
  2. But here the difference is that we have to keep our hands to the ground with our elbows touching the floor.
  3. Our toes are touching the floor, and we try to hold that position as long as our set demands.


The leg raise is a strength training exercise that targets the anterior hip flexors. It also strengthens your abdominal muscles, helps to reduce fat from the belly area.

It also improves the rectus abdominis muscle and internal-external oblique muscles.


  1. Lie on your back straight, on the floor.
  2. Keep both legs close to each other while holding it straight. Start lifting them towards the ceiling.
  3. Holding it straight makes 90 degrees with the floor.
  4. Come back to the original position and repeat the same.


It is a full-body workout that uses the essential muscles in our body, like legs, arms, abdomen, and strengthens them. 

Skipping is great for weight loss and shedding belly fat. If you perform this exercise for up to 40 minutes, you can quickly burn 400 calories.


  1. Choose a jump rope (beaded rope), preferably a more long string if you are a beginner, and select a medium-hard surface; indoors, do it on a mat instead.
  2. Grip rope from fingers, keep hands in front of the stomach while keeping elbows close to your body.
  3. Put the rope behind and turn it over your head. Try to catch the line under your toes, jump your feet, and pass the string under your feet and complete one round.

Repeat the same process until you get comfortable spinning the rope. It’s all about timing; the key is to keep practicing, to do it quickly.

But, in reality, how much cardio is needed to lose weight? find out in the next section…

How much cardio to lose weight daily

According to WHO you should engage yourself 40-45 minutes daily to achieve the weight loss goal.

It’s a gradual process, your main aim should be to follow the routine daily and after some time looking for the results. If 5-6 days-a-week you are following the cardio program, the result will definitely follow.

Consistency is the key here which comes from patience and persistence, no one can force you, I can motivate you or give you some suggestions.

But at the end of the day, it’s all about what you are doing, so friends there are no shortcuts here! its only hard work and patience.

The goal here is to lose weight with the help of cardio, the quantity is not a target for you, it’s being consistent which will help to lose weight daily and regularly.

Regular cardio also increases the risk of muscle loss, let’s find out how to avoid that.

Also See:

Cardio to lose Weight but keep Muscle

The most important thing for you to remember is that while losing weight you should not lose your muscles.

To avoid muscle loss you can try to mix or change your workouts between aerobic/cardio to anaerobic exercises.

As doing only one type of workout can reduce your muscles growth, or it can slow down your muscle gain.

Doing high-intensity workouts between normal between cardio is really going to help you reduce muscle loss.

Anaerobic exercises have different effects on the body than aerobic exercise has. It releases oxygen from the body, increases heart rate, and body temperatures also.

Well another form of cardio is very popular and easy, see it yourself in next section…

Dance Cardio to lose Weight

dance to lose weight

It is the most common and easiest form of cardio which improves mood, helps to relax mind.

You can enhance your flexibility and losing weight is by-product of this workout.

Dance uses our whole body muscles and strengthen legs, hamstrings, improves joint muscles.

If you are a beginner looking to lose weight this is perfect for you, as you can perform it anywhere and you won’t realize how easily you dance to your favorite tunes, while burning calories.

Your body will respond positively, which will help you to burn fat and improve your overall body strength, muscle, and also tries to lift your mood-up from the stressed life.

Now, few of the most popular frequently asked question about cardio is answered in the next section, check them out…

Cardio To Lose Weight: FAQs

Which cardio burns the most fat?

Well there is not one single cardio workout which helps to burn most fat. It all depends on which cardio you are performing continuously and the consistently.

Below are few of them which can burn most fat-

  • Swimming: It is considered best for increasing overall body strength and reducing fat from the body, regular swimming gives results very short time. If you are maintaining a healthy diet and following all the good practices, you will burn maximum fat.
  • Jumping jacks: Again great for overall body strength and help build strong core, calf, hamstrings, and glutes muscles. If you are looking to burn more fat in a short period of time then jumping jacks is your go-to workout.
  • Skipping: It also builds your endurance level and helps in toning leg muscles. It targets hamstrings, quad, glutes, calves muscles.
  • Burpees: A great cardio exercise that helps to strengthen shoulder, triceps, chest, and abdominal muscles. Helps to burn fat, if you are consistent in it.

Is 30 minutes of cardio a day enough?

Typically you can say that, but if you are performing 40-45 minutes daily for 5-6 times daily then it will give result very fast.

Cardio exercise burns fat very fast because the intake of oxygen level in our body increases while performing it.

You have to remember that it depends on your strength level and it also increases your flexibility.

Weight-loss requires time and patience as it can’t happen overnight, so try to give it your time and fully devote yourself in it.

Does cardio get rid of lower belly fat?

Of course it does, the probability of doing cardio workouts are immense if you someone you is consistently performing it, then you will see the result in very sort time.

Reducing lower belly fat is not so easy for anyone, if you are beginner it can be tough for you.

There are many cardio workouts like crunches, mountain-climber, leg-raises, skipping which helps to reduce lower belly fat.

Abdominal muscles requires tremendous amount of workout to make it strong and improve your posture. Cardio is great exercise to overcome your lower belly fat in musch easier way.

The Bottomline

So guys, what you thinking now?

Are you ready to improve your fitness and live your dream life.

Being obese can be dangerous for your life in the long run. It’s better to keep yourself fit and healthy, the weight-loss process is just the start for you.

” Everything is possible in life “, He, who understand this, ” Becomes invincible and Nothing can stop him from realizing his potential “.

If you have any doubt or any other workout which you want to share, feel free to comment below.


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